My agenda on this site is not to spout political rhetoric and sway people’s opinions to the left or right. Sure, I often dabble in Marxist theory to elucidate ways in which films poke fun of capitalism, consumerism, and social order, but I don’t do this to convince readers that they should form a socialist or communist […]



Disappointed the world didn’t end? Here are some films that are equally as disappointing.



This if 40 is ambitious, but is drowned by shallow characters and disjointed scenes.



Meticulous and without soundtrack, After Lucia is cold, eerie, and stunning.



Les Miserables is, at times, emotionally charged; at others, it goes through the motions.



Kathryn Bigelow chronicles the decade-long manhunt for America’s Most Wanted.



Lohan’s back in the news, and this time she’s for hire!



A boy, his dog, and Burton at his best.



Jackson brings to life the young Bilbo Baggins.



Lists about the best Christmas movies are everywhere this time of year, and, most likely you’ll get a variation of It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. These are great movies, and I try to watch each of them, including a few others, every year around Christmas, reminding myself to ring bells, […]