As he does in Shame and Hunger, Steve McQueen pulls no punches in 12 Years a Slave, which is one of the reasons it is the most important movie to see this year. Based Solomon Northup’s autobiography of the same name, McQueen’s film goes beyond relaying horrific nature of slavery and the dangers of righteousness – though […]



The most intriguing part about Shame is its misdirection – not in the sense that we’re being set up for a twist in the last few moments, but rather how a number of people have read this film as the trials and tribulations of a sex-addict. Brandon (Michael Fassbender), a seemingly wealthy New York City resident in […]



The prison film might be the genre most antithetical to how we view heroes and villains. As opposed to films set in courtrooms where the victim usually wins and the bad guy goes to jail to contemplate his or her crimes, the protagonists in prison films are often the guilty party, the ones who couldn’t get away […]