On the heels of Django Unchained, we take a look at Tarantino’s best characters.



Violence, exploitation, cultural commentary: vintage Tarantino.




The Tarantino Shot

You have to imagine this recurring camera shot is sort of a Hitchcock-doing-the-Where’s-Waldo-thing type of signature for Quentin Tarantino. Then again, he’s so high most of the time it probably could just be something he thinks he’s doing for the first time every movie. Quentin: “I had this amazing idea for a shot last night.” DP: “The […]




The 2010 Oscar Winners

I was making my way back home from Boston earlier tonight and — per usual — got stuck in some traffic in the not-so-great state of Connecticut. So I ended up missing most of the Oscar show. But apparently they just went ahead and gave out the awards without me. Cool friends, guys. You likely already know […]



If you have seen Reservoir Dogs, you will think this is pretty clever. If you haven’t, throw that in your Netflix queue. And you can find some other sweet Quentin-related posters (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Inglourious Basterds, Jackie Brown and Death Proof) at this here website, which makes them available for both your viewing […]



The other night, I watched Fight Club and the haiku scene spoke to me: First off, it emphasizes the mundane routines that most of us trudge through each day, but more poignantly, seventeen syllables really sum up the theme of the movie.  That said, I figured I’d go through this year’s Best Picture nominees and see if I could […]