Cowboys and Aliens is a cocktail of fun, silliness, and attempts at transparent meta-commentary. The film begins with a mystery as Jake Lannergan (Daniel Craig) awakes in 1873 in the Arizona dessert, and we, by default, are introduced to our first alien: a man unaware of his surroundings and completely foreign to the rest of the characters […]



While it falls behind Funny Games, The Piano Teacher, Cache, and The White Ribbon, Michael Haneke’s Time of the Wolf is certainly worth a look in that it is a phenomenal exercise in lighting as well as a rather novel take on apocalypse-film genre. Characteristically, Haneke shoots this 2003 film with meticulous precision and strands the viewer […]



As I gather my Bible, Torah, Koran, copy of Watchmen, and print of Dali’s “St. John on the Cross,” I ready myself for the inevitable uber-undulating of the Earth that will occur around 6pm EST. As I’m preparing to barricade myself in an Astoria apartment with silver bullets, whittled crosses of what used to be a dining […]