This year’s second attempt at presidential biography falls short because it’s unsure where it’s going.



The King’s Speech is well acted, (characteristically by Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth, who won the Oscar he should have won for A Single Man) and decently directed by Tom Hooper, though I still feel David Fincher and Christopher Nolan were ignored for their work in The Social Network and Inception, respectively. Overall, the film is touching […]



Like the John Le Carre on which Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is based we are introduced to the story media res as Control (John Hurt) advises “Trust no one Jim, especially not in the mainstream … They’re after my head Jim boy.” Unaware of Control’s intent – or even his name; at this point we only know […]



I heard there was an Oscar broadcast last night, but when looking back on the evening, it seemed that there was less of an awards show and more of an attempt to draw in a younger, hipper audience to the annual event, which was mocked at least three times in the first half –hour by hosts Anne […]