Christopher Nolan has delivered in his final installment to the Dark Knight trilogy, and he does it with a solid, reflective narrative that – for the most part – avoids the faux philosophy that riddles The Dark Knight. As to prevent spoilers from creeping into this analysis, I’ll focus on the narrative’s arc that fittingly echoes moments […]



As of this past weekend, Liam Neeson’s string of box office successes is still in tact as The Grey comes in on top with about twenty million dollars in ticket sales. This pales a bit in comparison to his recent early-year windfalls with Taken and Unknown, but it’s still a testamnent to how much people dig Liam Neeson, […]



As if the unoriginality of Hollywood needed further attesting to, they have decided to reboot theSpiderman franchise as well as—wait for it—Daredevil.  Yes. Daredevil.  For those of you who can’t, or choose not to remember, Daredevil was anchored by Ben Affleck, who might possibly be the worst person to cast in the role of superhero.  I don’t dislike Ben Affleck (the devil […]