I would explain but if you don’t get it, we probably can’t be friends. (via Juice in a Box)




Scarlett Johansson & Science

Normally, I would never submit you readers to such lowbrow tomfoolery. But this is for science. I mean, there’s a diagram and everything. (via Next Round)



If you have seen Reservoir Dogs, you will think this is pretty clever. If you haven’t, throw that in your Netflix queue. And you can find some other sweet Quentin-related posters (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Inglourious Basterds, Jackie Brown and Death Proof) at this here website, which makes them available for both your viewing […]




Dirty Harry Meets Rain Man

(via xkcd)



This is perhaps even better than The Morgan Freeman Chain of Command. (via Maxim)




Nic Cage as Everyone

This website is pretty self-explanatory, really. It’s Nic Cage as other people — and, eventually, everyone. Oh yes, they will get everyone. And, thus, Nic Cage As Everyone is now my favorite website discovery since But Not Phil Collins Good. In addition to Nic Cage As George Lucas below, here’s the site’s mission statement: Founded on the […]



I’m not sure if this flow chart came straight from Steven Seagal himself or not, but it looks pretty accurate.  (I actually found it here on a place that is quickly becoming my favorite website.) Then again this whole thing seems a little overly complex. Cause to my semi-literate eye, it looks like Steven Seagal (who is […]



My early Christmas present to you. (via I Love Charts) It seems like the higher up the ladder that Morgan climbs, the worse the chance is that he will be in a good movie. (Disclaimer: I haven’t seen Invictus yet.) Because I would rank these movies: Shawshank, Glory, Se7en, Amistad, Prince of Thieves and then a whole […]



The Frogman remixes a handful of famous movie quotes as if they were said by a proper Englishman. These are my favorite three. Head over there for another dozen or so. “Does Marsellus Wallace match the appearance of a female canine? Then why is it, good sir, that you are attempting to have coital relations with him, […]




Monolith Art

Genius in simplicity. Done by some dude named David Herbert. (via Sweet Station)