Why else would you watch the Armstrong interview other than to partake in a drinking game? Here are some words you might listen up for.



A lot has been made about the Academy’s snub of Ben Affleck’s direction of Argo, despite wide acclaim for the movie. The subsequent criticism of the Academy is certainly warranted, particularly if you want to focus on the fact that Affleck provided a movie that is essentially about a half-dozen people getting on an airplane and dealing […]



Just in case you haven’t read enough critiques of Tarantino’s seventh film. Here’s one more.



A little haiku for movie-loving public and some of it rhymes.



It’s Oscar season! Let the conjecturing begin!



How prophetic are the DGA announcements this year?



Academy Award nominations come out tomorrow. Who might surprise us? Who shouldn’t?



MGM’s recent announcement that Carrie, a remake of Brian De Palma’s 1976 film of the same name, will be moved to October is a bit difficult to read – much like the remake itself. On the one hand, this newest version (another one, starring no one in particular, was made for television in 2002) might be decent […]



Project X gives us some thoughts about the reasons for piracy.



My agenda on this site is not to spout political rhetoric and sway people’s opinions to the left or right. Sure, I often dabble in Marxist theory to elucidate ways in which films poke fun of capitalism, consumerism, and social order, but I don’t do this to convince readers that they should form a socialist or communist […]