Narco Cultura is a disturbing expose on both Narco culture and the rise of the Narco Corrido, popular songs that glamorize the drug culture and cartels that run rampant through Juarez and other parts of Mexico. With roughly 10,000 homicides over the last four years, Juarez is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Ironically, […]



Possibly the most self-aware film of the year.



Dallas Buyers Club reminds us of a haunted past that persists in the present.



Short Term 12 limns the connection between empathy and compassion.



Politics: The game, the rouse, the celebrity.



Backing a project like Pop Meets the Void allows us a glimpse at the portrait of an artist in the Internet age.



Among brilliant moments are those that we have seen many times before.



There is too much too familiar and too much lost in this precis of the porno chic era.



Matthew McConaughey turns in his third great performance in a row in a tale about our cultural anxieties over love.



If only they would stay retired…